A real cybercrime story
Australians lost over $3 billion to scams in 2022 alone. With investment scams being the most common, consider these insights so you can better pro…
Understanding market volatility
Many investors become concerned when volatility occurs in global financial markets – particularly about the impact on their superannuation and othe…
Three reasons to err on the side of optimism as an investor
Introduction The “news” as presented to us has always had a negative bend, but one could be forgiven for thinking that it’s become even more negati…
The importance of rebalancing
Investing is more than choosing different assets. It also involves managing your portfolio on an ongoing basis to achieve personal goals. Your star…
Super fund performance and unlisted assets
Differences in the returns of various super funds have primarily been driven by whether the funds are invested in unlisted or listed assets. Super …
Should you fix your home loan?
Key takeaways An understanding of the benefits of fixing your home loan, including payment stability, protection from rate hikes and certainty over…
Seven key charts for investors to keep an eye on
Introduction At the start of this year, we thought shares would have reasonable returns albeit it wouldn’t be smooth sailing given ongoing issues …
Factor Investing explained
Global markets are made up of dozens of asset classes and millions of individual securities, making it challenging to understand what really matter…
Economic update
October was another difficult month for financial markets, partly reflecting an acceptance among investors that interest rates are likely to remain…
5 ways to do more with less money in your relationship
We all want to live a good life with our partner, but does that have to include fine dining every night and travelling to exotic destinations? Here…