The First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS): a handy guide for homebuyers

The First Home Super Saver Scheme is a valuable initiative to help first time buyers overcome the challenges of entering the property market. Purch…
Millions to get more Age Pension starting from 20 March 2024

Government Age Pension payments increased on 20 March, so if you’re one of the millions of eligible Australians, you’ll have a little more to…
Economic and market overview

Encouragingly the International Monetary Fund (IMF) raised its global growth forecast for 2024, following ‘surprisingly resilient’ economic conditi…
Will cash remain king?

Cash has been one of the best performing defensive assets over the past three years. When compared with global bonds (a riskier asset class), a typ…
Why it’s time to consider currency hedging your portfolio

With the Australian dollar trading below long-term averages and expected to rise as the US dollar peaks, it’s time to think about protecting overse…
What is risk appetite?

Risk is about tolerating the potential for losses. Understanding your risk appetite allows you to make well informed decisions about your money. Fo…
Seven lasting impacts from the COVID pandemic

Key points Seven key lasting impacts from the Coronavirus pandemic are: “bigger” government; tighter labour markets; reduced globalisation and incr…